Throw a party on Facebook and earn free Jewelry!


Would you love to host an Origami Owl Jewelry Bar but can’t seem to find the time? Or maybe you’d love to have a party but don’t want to cook and clean? Or you’d like to host but it is too hard to get a babysitter? Guess what? I have a solution for you!

Host a party on Facebook! You earn free jewelry and are eligible for all of our hostess rewards PLUS you don’t have to leave the house! Party in your PJs. What’s not to love?

Facebook parties take about 30 minutes and are fast, furious fun! I create an event on Facebook and you then invite your friends. Together, we’ll get them excited about your live Facebook party! During the party I feature a virtual jewelry bar, door prizes and more to make it fun and engaging. It is a fun and easy way to share Origami Owl with your friends and family – no matter where they are located.

Let me know if you are interested in hosting a Jewelry Bar either online or in person!